Monday, August 12, 2013

One more sun comes sliding down the sky...

Day 12 here at The Pinnacle again finds Bob still residing in the ICU. 

Today I was lucky enough to get Deb the ICU whiz back as my nurse and one of the first things she noticed after coming on duty was that my BP was again way too low and heart rate was way too high so just like Alisha yesterday she was quick to call the doc and get things resolved. 

They are good here.

The drug therapy started yesterday seems (very cautious optimism here) to
be working as the bleeding, although not 
completely stopped, has definitely decreased.

On the slight downer side is this BP / heart rate thing and the fact that my  white blood count took a leap today and
this can be indicative of infection (which would be horrible as I am soooooo  immuno-depressed right now).

So they are putting me on some more
hard core antibiotics.

I have super high hopes to transferred  
out of ICU and to a regular room tomorrow. I was told today that NOBODY goes from ICU - straight home.
So I suppose I'll have to serve some time
in the regular hospital. 


Serious cabin fever here.

Thank you to everybody who has been
checking this blog, sharing comments,
thoughts, and prayers.

I am a very lucky man to have you all in my life.


  1. All the kings men may not have put the eggman together again, but the great people at Pinnacle along with his friends will put Bob Lenz together again and he will be better than ever!

  2. Glad to hear from you Bob...and it sounds like today was improved over yesterday. Hoping you do not have an infection...and hopefully once your blood volume stabilizes your BP and HR will also stabilize.
    Staying in the hospital so long is never fun...but they will keep you until they feel you are stable...however long it takes...try to be patient. I know it sucks :( and im sure you are tired of doing those puzzle books...maybe your kids could bring you some comforts from home?
    Rest easy tonight...until the next...please be sound...

  3. glad I checked your blog before I walked away from my computer. I'm so happy to hear there is some improvements taking place. Hang in there, this too will pass and you will be strong and back to norm sooner than you think! We continue to pray for you.
    Dona and Bill

  4. Bob, Glad you are posting which hopefully means you are feeling slightly better. Very thankful Kara is keeping me posted as well. We are continuing to pray, light candles, even calling the big gun prayer lines and the Carmelite convent. You seem to be in good hands and with your family and faith all around you ... you will heal nicely. Be patient, rest, and heal. Love, the sossongs

  5. Patience grasshopper....
    They definitely need you in a room for a few days to make sure you are stable. This sounds promising so keep up the good work healing. We continue to send calming thoughts and prayers.

  6. Keep the faith Bob. We are all pulling for you. Patti Mom, Dad and I were with Laura, Arnie and your dad today and we all prayed for you.

  7. So many supportive folks are indicative of what a good man you are. This new treatment could very well be the magic bullet. Let your body take its time...why the rush to go home and give up these wonderful nurses! Let your body regain strength.
    You will feel ready when it is time. And keep the medical details coming...I'm getting an education!
