Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Ok....with the start of the new year and the circle of friends who know about my pending transplant surgery (hereto referred to as The Inside Job) getting larger all the time, I am launching this blog to keep all, if not most of us, on the same page. Don't feel compelled to check here like eight times a day as until the actual big event, the news will be slow to trickle in.

Regardless, this is going to be a journey and from here on out I'll do my best to let everyone who cares to know, how my current part of that journey is going. When the actual big day comes, I'll rely on my children to keep everyone updated and this will be the main venue for that. In the meantime, I hope I'm not too boring with the details. Please feel free to post your thoughts, suggestions, or ideas.

As always - know that I am grateful for any thoughts or prayers that you send my way and please know how much I truly appreciate each and every one of you and your friendship.

                                                                                                                       - bob