Saturday, November 2, 2013

Three Month Mark

         Started the new med today.
   These buggers are as big as they look.

Friday, November 1, 2013


October went out with yet another change in meds as directed by Dr. Yang at clinic yesterday.

It's sorta-kinda big because it's one of the magic three immunosuppressants that make up the "magic cocktail" that they don't fool with too much. The doc wants me to switch from Progaf to Neoral which he says should reduce the tremors that I have by a whopping 50%. 

I'm keeping an open mind.

They've also cut back on another drug and added some more new ones.

Such is life after transplant.
I mean somebody has to support these drug companies. 
(No offense to all the Pfizer folks in my family.) I am very  grateful for the medications and what they do for me.

Even with these changes, the tx team is happy with my progress. They took 8 tubes of blood for more tests yesterday and Dr. Yang made it a big point to tell me just how great my creatinine, BUN, glucose, amylase and lipase levels, among others, are.

They want to see me back at clinic in two weeks.

Tomorrow is my three month mark and despite my occasional grumbling about the side effects, I am a heck of a lot better than I was three months before the surgery. 
And I am forever thankful for that.

Thanks for checking here.