Sunday, August 18, 2013

These times are different....

So although sleeping at night is still fitful I am slowly getting used to this new lifestyle. Pills, drinking liters of water, checking my blood sugars, weighing myself, taking my temp, and blood pressures 2x daily and for now - taking it kinda easy but also living without all kind of killer toxins in my body. I am also able to eat (everything but grapefruit) and without taking insulin 3x daily. As a matter of fact I haven't had a shot of insulin in the past 17 days - the first time I could survive without them in 38 years.
Although that is a "lifestyle' change and it is nice, what is much, much, bigger to me is no more threat of Hypoglycemia and the unawareness of it that has consistently almost killed me dozens of times in the past 10 years.

Life is good.

Tomorrow I go to clinic for an exam, meetings, bloodwork, etc. i will be doing this every Monday and Thursday for months to come.

I'll be sure to let you know how it goes.

Thanks for continuing to check here.


  1. Good luck tomorrow...hope all the numbers are in your favor! Still reminding you to take it easy and take it one step at a time. Don't rush this new is waiting for you in abundance! Be patient!

  2. So glad your organs are being strong and functioning well...I imagine you probably feel better than you did before you entered the hospital just from your kidney working. So happy that you no longer have to worry about hypoglycemia...that was truly scary. All the best at your appointments tomorrow. You should keep a log for yourself of all you are learning at your post-op visits. You will surely learn a lot and all this will become second nature to you. Smile every day! :)

  3. You will learn much everyday, I am sure. It seems that each day will continue to get a bit better...("is it better to be better than to be anything?")

    Remember to listen to Marilyn : )

    Know that even though there isn't quite as much activity here; the best healing thoughts and prayers are still with you (each in our own way).
    Stay strong, patient with yourself (and family as they try to help you through this), and know you are loved.

  4. Each day is a blessing, it doesn't matter if it's raining, snowing, or the sun is shinning!! Life is amazing and I am happy things are going well. Do not over do it, and as mentioned above, remember your family and friends are here for you.....don't ever fell that you are taking advantage of us! Maybe you can watch the Steeler game tonight??!! Hockey is better, but.....for that my friend, we must wait just a little while longer!! ;) Lots of love and prayers, always! Jo :)

  5. This is all good news Cuz! So glad that you are on the road to recovery. We continue to keep you in our prayers. HUGS!!!

