Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I don't want to start any blasphemous rumors but I think that God has a sick sense of humor and when I die I expect to find Him laughing....

Another Thursday and I am still here at Pinnacle fighting off an infection and fever and all the accompaning crud.
Dr. Yang has a strong belief that this is coming from a stent that has been left inside me a little longer than what is customary. They had to wait for this because of all the extreme bleeding I had going on.

So binding myself within the limits of T.M.I. all I'm going to disclose here is that this afternoon at 2:15  I am to be "sedated", taken to the operating room, and have this 12" stent removed by Dr. Boline.

It was scheduled to come out on Monday but with this infection and all -
now today is the day.

Now I don't consider myself an overly excitable boy but this has me about as high anxiety as it gets and I will be darn glad when it is over.

Due to the use of Anesthesia for this I haven't had anything to eat or dink since midnight and only a very small gulp of water to take my 19 pills this morning.

Some medical manuevers border on sadism.

On other fronts, Dr. Waybill, the nephrologist, has changed my meds again she now has me on Metroprolol, essentially just a "kiss of a dose" am & pm.

With the stent gone, and the volume of antibiotics they are pumping me full of, they expect to see the fever dissapear pretty quick and if so, I'll be able to go home.

Let's hope this hold true.


  1. Hoping the removal of the stent will reduce the infection asap. I know you are totally bummed to be in there again...but let the doctors fix ya up so you can come back home. Ask for another ativan or valium to reduce your pre-op anxiety...that should help. Ill be thinking about you bob...please hang in sound!

  2. Better now than later since it has to happen anyway. Get that thing out of you so you can continue to move FORWARD! I like the idea of another ativan or valium. No need to have added anxiety. Do whatever you can to relax and rest. You'll be out of there before you know it. Thinking of you...always!

  3. Yes-get that thing out!
    Yes-ask for something for the anxiety!
    Remember that both the antibiotics and the Metoprolol can make you feel sluggish. Your body will get used to the Metoprolol.
    Good luck with the procedure and as always, prayers. Hang in!

  4. They got you new organs. They got the bleeding stopped. They will get the infection cleared. Just one more page in the story of your new life. You will be back home soon. Its hard for you to see your progress but we can certainly see it! You have made an amazing recovery. You are still getting the kinks worked out. stay strong!

  5. Thanks everyone. I really mean that.
    I'll get through this.

  6. thinking of you always Hez. try to relax and let those wonderful drs. and nurses take care of things. be strong. you are as tough as nails :) god speed. sending hugs

  7. I can understand your anxiety Bob. I am going to be praying for you especially during the time of your removal of the stent today. There is a scripture in Philippians that says to cast all your care on Him for He cares for you. He cares for you Bob, and He understands your anxiety. Be patient... I just know you are going to get through this stronger than before. ...and yes, I just know God does have a sense of humor. :))) God bless you.


  8. I did not realize you had a remaining stent. That will be good riddance. The drugs are miraculous. Ask for whatever you need. You are in the best of hands. Stay positive. You are an inspiation to all of your friends and family.

  9. Sounds like the long and short of it is while things can be really hard, keeping the faith and pushing through are your best options. Go stent free and rock this recovery bob! You've got this.

  10. the waiting drove me mad...

    hope today went well!
