Sunday, August 4, 2013


Met with Dr. Narins this afternoon and he tells me that all the new pieces of the Bobpuzzle are working wonderfully.

I haven't been a diabetic for the past day and a half. My first days in existence w/o insulin in 38+ years. My new kidney has been working overtime to rid my body of the long build- up of toxins pushing out the poisons at the solid pace of about a litre  an hour. The Docs are keeping me in the  ICU for at least another day. Getting to sit in a regular chair is a big undertaking these days. As I have two pretty big  incisions. There is a good deal of pain but they are keeping that in check. The big goal for tomorrow will be maybe the chance to eat some clear broths.
Right now all my food (as you have seen) goes thru an NG tube.

I've been losing a good deal of blood so I had to take a pint on board this morning.

Thanks for all the texts and check-ins.
I think I should be open for visitation starting tomorrow so if any of you are so inclined and are in the neighborhood feel free to drop on by and see the man with 3 kidneys, 2 pancreases, and 1 new outlook on life.
: )


  1. EXCELLENT NEWS!!!!! Don't push it! Just take your time!! A new life awaits you!! All the best!! Jo ;)

  2. Ahhhh...I told you so! New life is so wonderful and blessed! Welcome.

  3. Bob! Looking good my friend! Thanks to your Dad, I can follow along on your progress. Hang in there my friend. By the way, the Bugsy thing is done. I will text you the picture.

  4. Great news. Broth is one of my favorites...

    Glad things seem to be progressing well.


  5. so happy to hear your new organs are already functioning and clearing all those toxins out of you! keep on healing my friend!
