Monday, August 5, 2013

And this is how i feel......

Today has been a pretty rough day as I've had a major GI bleed going on all day.
But on the positive side Dr. Narins tells me this is where he expected me to be. Even with all the bleeding, my new pancrease is working well requiring no supplemental insulin. And my new kidney has brought my creatinine levels down to normal- a place I haven 't visited for quite some time. They removed my NG tube today (Joy!) and I actually got to drink some gingerale and have some italian ice.

And so as Rudyard Kipling once said: "Teach us to delight in simple things."

I did have a few family visitors here today and although it was great to see them, I am so worn out that I really didn't get to visit much without passing out.

And so I'm still in ICU for now and taking on more units of blood.
My stomach is really bugging me now so I need to keep this short.

Thanks for checking, thanks for thinking of me, thanks for sharing.

I love reading comments left on the blog.

More soon!



  1. So sorry that you are uncomfortable but I'm sure the docs have a plan to have feeling better soon. Please rest and don't over do. I can't believe you are even posting. You are amazing! God still has more plans for you! Good thoughts and sweet dreams.

  2. progress laced with ramifications...

    sounds like they are taking good care of you though...they know where the bleed is originating and can therefore monitor better. Good sign the GI tube was taken out and your new pancreas and kidney are working well already! THAT is awesome! :)

    hope they can give you something to help your stomach so you can rest easy tonight...enjoy your gingerale and italian ice! :)

    thinking of you...

  3. Thinking of you! ~ Mary Helen

  4. Hi Bob... I want you to know how much we're all praying for you....for the doctors to find out what the issues are and to address them efficiently and with all the skill and knowledge they have, to help you through this painful recovery period with a minimal amount of pain, for your bleeding to get under control, and most of all for both of your new organs to work PERFECTLY!!!! You have so many friends and family who sincerely love you and care about you. Know we and God are continually with you.

  5. Hi Bob,
    You are truly remarkable!....bleeding internally and still thinking of others as you post updates for us. Whining and self pity is just not your style. This recovery sounds challenging but the functioning organs are nothing short of a miracle. God is so good.....may He give you a restful and painfree night while He heals your body.
    Good night.
    Love and Strength,

  6. I wish for you a pain free night and a good rest. Your body needs to heal. Know we are all pulling for you and love you and are storming the heavens with prayers. Cuz Laura
