Monday, August 5, 2013

Rough Night

This past night has been the worst so far with severe stomach pain and all the assorted things that go with.This mornings bloodwork is showing some deficiencies that they need to address and so it may be another fun filled day here in the ICU.

Not the best for any visitation, but I'll keep you updated when I can.


  1. I know this is hard but bumps in the road do happen. Trust in the docs to work it out. Of course will continue with the prayers!

  2. Stay strong Bob! Major surgery requires significant healing time...but you will get thru this!
    Hoping today is a better day...all my thoughts are with you!
    Be sound always...

  3. Hang in there, my friend! More prayers than you will ever know have been coming your way! Jo

  4. Unfortunately, it is not like Star Trek when Bones just waves the "thingy" over you and you are OK.

    Good luck with the challenges.


  5. Hang in there CUZ! We are watching your progress and praying for a speedy recovery.



  6. all kinds of prayers and good wishes are flowing to you Cuz. "Good things come to those who wait" is a saying that applies to YOU! You have been so patient and full of faith thru this ordeal. Allow yourself time to heal and now that all of our thoughts and prayers are with YOU! Love ya Bob!! Laura

  7. thoughts and prayers are with you...Mark and Andrea

  8. Thinking of you and praying for you is my mind's resting place these days. Today I pray for relief from pain and swift answers to the cause. See you soon...when you are ready.
    Love and Strength,

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Can you post the hospital name and address. You just had a very major undertaking. It will take time to work things out. Stay strong! You got lots of support behind you

    1. Look at the top of the blog under "site of the Scene" and you will find the hospital address.

    2. got it. thank you!

  11. It is now 6 pm EST, so I hope the "bugs" got smoothed out a bit by now. As you can see from the many posts on this website; you have friends and family who are all helping/supporting you through the healing process. As always...thinking of you : )

  12. any update? how did the rest of the day go?
    wishing you well and a good nights sleep :)

  13. Hang in there you are in great hands. Love and prayers from FL.
