Friday, August 30, 2013

Heaven knows if there's a comes so low with the kneeling....

Well here it is....another Friday and Bob is not going anywhere but crazy today.

After a semi decent night of "sleep", the crew came in this morning at 5:45 am to draw 8 tubes of blood, check my blood sugar, weight, BP, and heart rate.

My blood glucose was perfect, but my weight had gone up almost 4 lbs - Red Flag.  My BP and heart rate were extremely high - Red Flag. Then my bloodwork came back and once again my Lipase is very high (from 15 yesterday to 127 this morning) - Killer Red Flag.

So, of course, there is no going anywhere for me today and maybe not tomorrow.


They have started me on another 500 mg of  Solu - Medrol and they are cranking up my steroid dosage in my pill allotment making all kinds of changes to try to beat this down. Dr. Yang says that this does happen and he is not too concerned. He knows how frustrated I am but he tells me just to hang in there and frankly, I really don't have much other alternative. 

They are trying to relieve my discomfort with limited Percocet.

Again Dr. Yang and Deb, my tx coordinator, Dawn, and the whole team tell me that "this happens". That the pancreas is sooooo much more touchy of an organ, that you really need to baby it along until a happy medium of meds, organs, and imuno-system are reached and this make take up to three months.

They have all been even more extra nice to me this morning because they know I'm sorta kinda bummin' here.

That's it for now. Just going to try and get into a Zen mode today and keep the lid on this additional Solu-Medrol.

Have a fine Friday. 


  1. ohhh bob im so sorry :(
    But you are so strong and patient with your doctors...I would be super frustrated with them right about now. ARGH! There is obviously an issue every time they take you off IV meds and the problems seem to always occur overnight. Perhaps they should be trying to manage the issues with pill form instead of IV form...and perhaps your levels are dropping off overnight so they should better space out your steroids? Argh...i dont frustrated for you.
    Hang in there bob!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Im sure you are disappointed and frustrated but you are in the best place right now. As always thoughts and prayer go out to you and your family. Im sure this is weighing on your dad and brother as well. Stay strong. We are here for you.

  4. Bob, I am so sorry that you have had a set back--continue to pray and hope for your healing. It seems like your are marathon racer--all your loved ones are trying to support you, cheering you on and praying for you to cross the finish line and win this battle. Each of your friends and relatives wish we could take some of those steps for you to relieve your pain, stress and anxiety--unfortunately we can not do that. But just as your health care team is working their best for you--we are offering prayers and positive thoughts for your strength to make it through this frustrating time and to envision a positive outcome! We all care for you and offer our love! Don't loose hope. Dot

  5. Bob, hope things keep improving. Thanks for keeping us posted. Try to keep the faith. God does know what he is doing, although I have wondered a few times myself.

  6. I did spare you the. Bobbercup comments today

  7. Just like anonymous above...sometimes I do wonder, too, why such a good and kind and gracious and sincerely god-loving person like you has to endure so much. Please, God...give the man a break! That's all I have to say right now.
