So clinic seemed to go well today. I saw tx coordinators Becca, Deb, chief nurse Judy, Dr. Yang, Dr. Narins, Dr. Waybill, had multiple examinations, vitals, and bloodwork done.
They all said that I looked "terrific". Dr. Waybill said I looked better than most recipients of just a kidney. So that's good to hear. But when they asked what I had been doing the past 2.5 days...I got yelled at "for doing too much".
I feel like I've been just a real load - not doing much of anything.
Better and stronger are coming very slowly and I am notoriously impatient.
I was also told that I am not to go to church, markets, or be in any kind of crowds for at least another two weeks because of a drug they gave me to really K.O. my immune system. The effects of this drug should linger for about another week and a half.
They really have this stuff down at Pinnacle.
Dr Waybill understands my cabin fever but told me that if something gets wrong with my new kidney, they can almost always fix it with meds. The pancreas - not so much. And so cabin fever or not - I've come too far, been through too much to risk that.
I am pretty darn ecstatic with two wonderfully working organs and I plan to do all I need to to keep them that way.
The docs started me on another drug today that will thin my blood a bit. It's customary for tx recipients to be on such a drug but they stopped mine when I was bleeding so much. It's a very, very, fine line and so they will be watching this extremely closely.
I have clinic and labs again on Thursday. Twice a week for several months.
In a weird's kind of comforting that they follow you so closely.
There's peace of mind in knowing that if anything goes awry, they would know in very short order and be able to address it.
I've been thinking that it was already 2 weeks ago this evening when things went really south - the RRT code, and being rushed back to ICU in the middle of the night. I hope to never relive an episode like that.
The past is done and I'm movin' on.
Nothing is going to go awry.
I'm a believer.
Thanks for checking here....I'll post again tomorrow.