Saturday, August 24, 2013

No Ticket to Ride

So I deliberately held off from taking any Percocet (Contains Tylenol) or any other Tylenol products last night just to see if I had beat this fever or whether it had been subdued yesterday by the aforementioned drugs. 

Sad to report that I woke at 5:15 with shivers and shaking equivalent to an 8.0 on the Richter scale.


I haven't seen Dr. Narins yet this morning but I'm betting he is going to harsh my mellow plans of chilling on my own couch tonight and sleeping in my own bed.

Fevers suck.

That's the word from here @ 6:00 am.

More later.


  1. How is your BP and heart rate today? If it's still just the fever, then maybe when that is down, you will be able to head home. I hope that is how things all work out for you over the weekend! Hang in there! If you have access to a tv, watch the Little League World Series finals today! Those kids always lift my spirits! :) Jo

  2. sorry to hear bob. Is your fever still really high like when you went in with 102.5? Did they start you on different and/or higher doses of antibiotics? Make sure you are drinking plenty of clear fluids to help flush that infection out of your system. If your fever can be controlled by Tylenol...i don't see why you couldn't keep taking that and monitoring yourself at home. Either must try to remain a depressed mood usually goes along with longer healing times when you are sick.
    Has anyone brought your mail in to you? Something should have arrived at your house yesterday...hoping to get a smile out of you from that! ;)
    Hang in there bobby...keep us updated when you can...and always be SOUND!

  3. I wish I had some new words of wisdom for you...but alas, your wise friends have already said what I am thinking : )
    You know that all the healing thoughts and prayers ARE working in your favor and, you WILL be at 2934 soon! Keep your faith (in all areas of your life right now)...

