Monday, September 9, 2013

Times will change.....

Clinic today seemed to go well.

Dr. Narins and his staff were all really happy at how good my incisions look on the outside but caution that the majority of the heavy healing is going on underneath and inside. He waived me off of doing anything more than walking short distances for exercise. Explicitly - no sit ups for now and no simple bike riding (my latest idea). 


He wants to see me back in Clinic in two weeks but he will continue to monitor the bloodwork labs that I will continue to have done twice a week for the foreseeable future. 

Dr. Narins also says that if the tremors continue (which he admits I have a pretty darn good case of) he will eventually look at putting me on some "alternative" medicines. He wants to hold that card for now as he says that the meds that I'm on now are the best (albeit the side effects) for my given situation.
He and his whole staff seem very happy with my improvement. My creatinine is steady at .09 and my bloodsugars are spot-on. Where I see my limitations, easy fatigue, and side effects - they see progress. The doc said today "You've had not one but TWO transplants, we rearranged your insides, you're healing but it's going to take some time!"

I am lucky to have such a team.

I'll write more soon.


  1. Glad clinic went well...and a good sign that your doctor wants to see you next in 2 weeks! Keep on keeping on...slowly and gently are doctors orders my friend. Hope you have a great day bob! :)

  2. Thank you (again) for sharing your journey on this site. While there are many of us who talk to you in person, phone or email; this really keeps us posted and I appreciate the time and depth of your entries. I was "touched" to be able to read your thank you glad you decided to share that with us. Keep healing, and KNOW there are just as many prayers and loving thoughts (as there have ever been) coming your way : )


  3. It is so good to hear about your steady and continuous progress. Stay off the bike! Can you imagine what a bike wreck would do to your rearranged insides! Having permissions to take it easy sounds amazing but I know you are impatient. Enjoy it. A full re-entry is imminent.

  4. Glad to hear the very good news. Wishing you continued healing!
