Monday, January 20, 2014

Another step on the road.....

The hernia fix is scheduled for February 3. 
Before that happens I need to have a new EKG and another chest X-ray. 
Evidently the ones I had done five months ago aren't valid anymore.
I had all the preliminary bloodwork done today.
Although I've had hernia surgery before, and would prefer to have that doctor do it again,  Dr. Yang wants to do it himself at Harrisburg just so no one is messing around so close to the project that he has been overseeing for almost six months now.

The doc seemed happy with my overall progress but made no real mention of  me hitting what he termed earlier as "a major benchmark" of 6 months post-op.
As I've said once or twice before, if you want info from Dr. Yang you have to really be extremely assertive with questions. Then you have to be particularly cautious that he knows you are not questioning him but rather asking questions for the want of information.
The subtle nuances of dealing with transplant specialists.

Thanks for looking here.


  1. Dr. Yang has invested a lot in you...and doesn't want anyone else...seems understandable. You will be in good hands. I wish doctors weren't so hard to talk should be a free and open conversation! Let us know how your "early" 6-month follow results are! That is a milestone! Congrats! :) You are such a trooper mr. bob!

  2. You ARE a trooper! I am continually amazed by your humor and honesty in sharing this whole experience with all of us. As you say in "About Me", I am sure your story is helping others...keep it up and thank you : )

  3. 6 months tomorrow ... Will we hear more from you? Then your surgery on Monday. Prayers continue as always!

  4. Happy 6 months Bob!!! :)
    Good luck tomorrow...please update afterwards when you are up to it! Ill be thinking about ya!
    Be sound always...
