Friday, December 6, 2013


OK.....Here is an update that just blows my mind.......

The tx team at Pinnacle had told me that they wanted me to self-inject another shot of this Neupogen tomorrow at home and so they were going to call it in and have it overnighted to my house.
Well, as is often the case, several insurance entities got involved and although I agreed to the copay of $95.00 there was still some insurance problems as to whether this was "medically necessary" ..blah..blah..blah.
When I asked the folks at Pinnacle just how much the complete price of the injection was, I was told that each injection cost  $6,000.00

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeaaaaaah.

So the final outcome, and to work around the insurance conundrum, the transplant team is going to have me travel back to Harrisburg tomorrow morning give me the injection in the hospital and all will be settled and all will be good.

And I damn well better be $12,000.00 better by Monday!


  1. One day at a time -- one step at a time. And this will add up to many many one-month anniversaries! Don't stress about things not in your control (insurance); let them fight it out. Keep on keeping on.....I believe! Love ya! :) Cuz Laura

  2. Hope your white count is continuing to climb. Please keep us posted. And stay warm, healthy, and safe!

  3. We're all wating for an update!!! How are you doing? How's your white count? How are you feeling? What are the doctors saying? Prayers being sent out daily all the way from South Africa!!!
