Sunday, April 22, 2012

3...2.....1....Hold it!

AAAAAARGH! Yes, this is yours truly.
I was prepped for surgery, given meds, said goodbyes and love you's to my kids....was wheeled to the operating room where I was being instructed by the anesthesiologist as to what was about to go down and.......BOOM! Another surgeon came in and said that the pancreas had been damaged and there would be no KP transplant for me today.
Talk about an emotional rollercoaster.
I am exhausted. I will sleep very well tonight.
God Bless all of you. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.
It just wasn't my time.
More later.


  1. Oh Bob, I am so sorry. Having had two dry runs, I know just how bad they suck....I have so many folks who are praying for you. We will all continue to pray until the time is right. Sleep.

  2. What?! I am so sorry :( Why didnt they go ahead with the kidney? Sigh. Sorry you had to go thru a dry run...I guess that just means you are better prepared with what to expect the next time. Get some sleep. Be sound Bob!

  3. Well, Bob, guess I will put the grape lights away for now:(
    Let me know if u need anything, even if just a laugh.
