Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Ice in my veins....

Sorry Laura!
I did kinda leave that hanging! 

The Cytogam IV went well for the most part last Friday. It just took a little longer than the usual 3 hours because 2 hours into things I got a wicked case of the chills.
A kind of "rattle you out of your skin" chills. The nurse sussed it out pretty quickly and took my vitals and unhooked me from the IV. I tried to persuade her that all the shaking was just me bouncing my leg (which I do.)
She didn't buy it. 
So I then I apologized for keeping my house so cool.
She saw through that like a cheap suprise.
Then I tried: "Well I DO have tremors!"
Un Uh......Nope......No way.
She responded by asking me how close EMS was. 
She wanted me to lay down and cover up but I got her to settle for me putting on a sweatshirt and having a cup of hot tea.

Over the next 45 minutes the nurse took my vitals 5 times asking me questions the whole time. After the 45 minutes or so....the tea worked or least that's what I tried to sell. She said it was the current absence of Cytogam and then after a dozen more questions, she restarted the IV at a much slower rate. Nurse Barb tells me that this is one of a myriad of side effects that are possible with Cytogam. She was just super happy that it didn't progress to anything else.

I did have chills (not quite to this extent) at the end of the first treatment, but I wrote it off and persuaded the nurse that it was nothing. She made note of it and let it go.
This nurse Barb (the first nurse was named Barb as well) was a real stickler for every detail.

Afterwards, I was fine. My Dad came to visit later in the afternoon and we had a great weekend. 

So all is well that ends well.

Final installment of Cytogam is slated for November 15th and then I'll be done with this noise.

Thanks for checking Laura!

More soon.


  1. lol...Hi Bob. You make me laugh reading your blogs. Keep them Nurse's on their toes. I really enjoy getting to sit down and reading your blogs. I am glad to see that you are still coming along pretty nicely in your recovery. I wished I had more time to stop by and check in with you. I try and check in and comment to you as often as I can. Some times it's just not to easy to do. Now if they would make more hours in a day, I might be ok. Well my friend, got to go for now. Take care and I keep praying for a speedy recovery for you. Just remember, Bugsy is watching over you.

  2. Just checking in via blog and not hockey texts! lol! Hang in there my friend! I am sure you are tired of hearing those three words... (hang in there). But I mean it from the bottom of my heart. Things are going to get better!!! :) "Speedy Recovery!!" (Said in the tone of Mr. McFeely, ("speedy delivery") friend of PBS Mr. Rogers)!! Always, Jo :)

  3. I guess your chills were just a reminder that our first fall frost was around the corner. Brrrrrrr. Stay warm in every way!

  4. Talked to your Dad and he said you guys had a great visit/weekend! He told me all about it. So Pitt lost today, but I don't know if your Dad was rooting for Pitt or Navy! Be well! Will check again soon! Cuz Laura
