Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Is out of sight truly out of mind?

Once again, it's been way too long since I've updated here but there has been a lot going on in BobWorld. I have been teaching my five classes and the last of those is tonight.
In early October, I changed jobs and took a position as chief photographer with a design firm in Lancaster. It has been a bit challenging to say the least. I've completely revamped their photo department and implemented a new photo workflow and so I've been putting in some long days.
Due to this hectic schedule, I was able to get the vein mapping done but I have not been able to schedule the follow-up appointment and subsequent........ahem......fistula surgery.
I know it's not the ideal situation, but keeping this busy has allowed me to put certain "unpleasantries" out of mind for a bit.

Yes. Yes. I know. All in good time.

There are a lot of good friends that I haven't gotten to see lately either so I'm hoping that once things settle down a bit, I'll get to catch up on all of the above.

Thanks to everyone who have been persistently reminding me to get this appt. scheduled.
As much as I gripe and complain, I do appreciate your thoughts.

I'll let you all know as soon as something is scheduled.

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