Thursday, August 23, 2012

What's hotter than a late August day?

.....the heat I've been taking for not updating this blog!

Ok, so here goes.....

There have been no calls for quite a while now so nothing new to report there.
I did have a nephrologist appointment last week and the doctor again expressed his concern about my current numbers. My GFR had actually risen by 1 point to an 11. Woo Hoo!
But my BUN and creatinine have also risen and this is not good.
Dr. Schendel has pretty much realized the futility of talking dialysis with me.
This time, instead of trying to get me to have a fistula implanted in my arm, he said that soon I may want to consider having a catheter put into my chest for treatment.

On this end.....I just keep on keeping on.
I'm betting the whole farm on the one call that I hope to get from Pinnacle soon.

Thanks for checking in here.
I'll keep you posted.


  1. hang in there bobby...know im thinking about you...wishing you well...
    Three crooked hearts and swirls all around...I miss you all day...
    always be sound

  2. I do may best cheerleader cheer to the Big Guy everyday Hez for you!!! I know he hears me, but only time will tell when HE wants to put you into the BIG GAME!!! HE is carrying the 'playbook' and I know the right play is in that book for you!!! :)
